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Zaturdays makes use of amaZing business models based on the entrepreneurship of our professionals with clients in the profit and non-profit sectors. Our model - based on service consultancy - specialises in high-quality support in the form of knowledge and advice, and deploys subject experts on a project basis.

Extra advantage is the possibility and chooice to concentrate on (in)direct hire(s) as well! Our specialist share in individually generated surplus profit. For our partners we offer optimal cooperation: No unnecessary offers, but the right professional at the right price!

A new way to work
Lifetime Employment with one employer has had its day. It is also not done to have a lot of employees on permanent appointment. Because of the quick adjustments companies make, it's more and more about the right tuning of company goals and competences of employees. Flexibility, creativity and ambition are key. Zaturdays supports business processes in the new econnomy plus your recruitment process in many ways. Do not wait any longer, make sure to connect to our social networks and make an appointment today!

Zaturdays is also not for nothing a company that combines selected professionals and provides consultancy services, specializing (though not only) in high-tech technologies, UNIX admini-stration, system administration, solution architecture and software design and development. If you did not find your (exact) expertise, then also make sure to check what we offer by contacting us.


'1-on-1 career coaching'

Looking for a change, guided by a modern partner?

Highly Skilled Minds
We are continuously on the lookout for professionals possessing:
• Minimum 2 years of relevant experience (or excelent grades)
• Demonstrable ability to work and think at college or university level
• Good communicative skills
• Professional and entrepreneurial attitude

Make an appointment.


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