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Outsourcing select Recruitment Processes

As your RPO partner, Zaturdays assumes the accountability and ownership for building and sustaining your workforce. We stay focused on strategic management of each step of the process and people responsible for talent acquisition to deliver you the following benefits:

To make the decision to outsource, recruiters need only identify those working practices that would be better managed out of house. For example, it is not cost effective for employees whose strengths lay in sales and business building to be screening CVs or searching online CV Databases.

Outsourcing select Recruitment Processes to will have significant and real impact on your bottom line while measurably increasing your Recruitment effectiveness. Below are some benefits that outsourcing the non-core or non-consultative elements within the Recruitment Process will bring:

• Free up more of a Recruiters time to interact with candidates and hiring managers.
• With more time to focus on candidates and hiring managers, Recruiters can offer a much higher level of customer service.
• Removing the operational recruitment activity burden and freeing organizations to focus on value-creating and strategic activities.
• Reducing overall recruitment costs by utilizing best practices.
• Building competitive capability by securing the best talent with low cost outlay

How? Find out together how to improve your recruitment processes, and make an appointment today!


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